CW Binder Cover Sheet
- USG Cold War
- Research Paper and your comments
- Atomic Café Notes (notes and written answers to any 2 of the discussion questions)
- Choices Notes
- Wartime Conferences Notes
- Truman Doctrine Notes
- Letter to Obama
WWII: Europe
Binder Cover Sheet
- USG Europe
- USG Pacific
- Just War and Practices: Poland, Britain, Barbarossa, Dresden, Overlord
- Paper 1 Feedback Notes
- Saving Private Ryan-answers to 2 questions
- Rape of Europa-film notes
- Holocaust Seminar Prep Packet
- Propaganda
- Pacific Timeline
- Pearl Harbor: Causes and Practices
- Double V and Internment
- Unbroken Quote Journal
- Japanese Ideology
- TWE Does WWII represent progress in the realm of human rights? notes/writing
- Justify/critique US deployment of the atomic bomb. (paragraph or bullet paragraph)
- Other assignments/notes you want to include
Binder Cover Sheet
- WWI Paper II and your comments
- Interwar society/effects of WWI
- Mass Society Notes - Great Depression
- Paris Peace Conference, Short Term Effects of WWI
- Mandates: Practice Paper 1
- League of Nations, LoN structure chart
- Absence of Powers
- Early Attempts at Peace (Aaland Islands, Greece, Corfu, Upper Silesia)
- Ruhr and Locarno Notes
- Manchuria Notes - US Response - ppt
- Abyssinia
Binder Cover Sheet
- Scramble for Africa and pre-war Europe Notes (Questions are notes and 2 charts)
- Evaluate objectives and outcomes of the Berlin Conference (1884-185)
- Evaluate the benefits Europeans sought to gain through colonial empires
- ID Characteristics of Pre-war European empires
- Pre-WWI Powers
- Long Term Causes (Readings Follow-do not include readings in your binder)
- Diplomacy: Key Treaties
- Historiography of the Causes of WWI
- Air, Land Sea - Print out class notes or summarize major themes
- Armenia - This can be the highlighted article with your annotations or the specific notes you prepared for seminar
- All Quiet Film Notes/Quetions
- Battles on EasternWestern Fronts and Total War: Notes
- DORA and Propaganda
- Roles of Women in WWI - class notes
Binder Cover Sheet
- CCW Intro
- notes p.2
- ISIS current event notes
- Role and Status of Women: notes and paragraph
- Causes and Practices of CCW
- (Memory Game Cards)
- Iris Chang Reading Questions/Seminar Notes
- Rape of Nanjing Group Research
- Guerrilla Warfare Notes (this sheet and other notes you have)
- OPVL Effects of CCW
- Oral Final
- Practice CCW Paper 2 Test (optional)
Practice Binder 1: Marx
Binder Cover Sheet